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It’s Time For Jack Evans To Go

WASHINGTON – Following an earlier FBI raid of DC Councilmember Jack Evans’s Georgetown home, DC Republican Party Chairman José Cunningham called on the Ward 2 Councilmember and Democratic National Committeeman to resign his seat on the DC Council. 

Cunningham said, “We’ve seen this story several times before in the last decade. A DC Councilmember commits unethical and often illegal acts. His colleagues sit on their hands and do nothing. The Councilmember’s house is raided by the FBI. Well here we go again.” He added, “It’s time for Mr. Evans to do the right thing and step aside from his position on the DC Council. While he may be one of the few (or only) Councilmembers who is remotely pro-business, bad ethics and illegal behaviors are not what we look for in our elected officials. I hope others on the DC Council and in the Democratic Party will follow suit and call on Mr. Evans to resign.”  

 June 21, 2019 news reports indicate Councilmember Jack Evans’s home was being raided by FBI agents. This came a day after Evans announced his resignation from the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Board. 

The DC Republican Committee is made up of registered Republicans living throughout the District of Columbia in all eight wards who are nominated and elected to serve as members.

For further information or comments, contact Patrick Mara at

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